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Service Description: The updated Ogallala - Roger Mills aquifer boundary was created for the Hydrologic Investigation of the Ogallala - Roger Mills aquifer in West-Central Oklahoma 2020, using geologic maps, satellite images, field observations, and well logs from the OWRB database. The extent of the aquifer as defined in this study is the area underlain by the Ogallala Formation in Roger Mills County. The aquifer extent is primarily based on the Oklahoma Geological Survey (OGS) preliminary geologic map of the Foss Reservoir quadrangle and the Elk City quadrangle geologic map. Discrepancies between the OGS maps were rectified using satellite imagery and field observations, specifically from 35°24ˈ23ˈˈN to 35°30ˈ55ˈˈ and 99°38ˈ27ˈˈW to 100°0ˈ0ˈˈW. The Ogallala Formation continues west into Texas, which is beyond OWRB jurisdiction, and north of the Canadian River, where it is referred to as the Ogallala – Northwest aquifer by the OWRB. This dataset is tentative and pending Board approval for permitting use.
Map Name: Layers
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Aquifer Study Area, 2020 (0)
Aquifer Extent, 2002 (1)
Elevation of Aquifer Base (25 ft contours), 2020 (2)
Elevation of Aquifer Base (ft), 2020 (3)
Elevation of Aquifer Base (50 ft contours), 2000 (4)
Elevation of Potentiometric Surface (ft), 2017 (5)
Elevation of Potentiometric Surface (ft), 2000 (6)
Saturated Thickness (ft), 2017 (7)
Average Annual Recharge (in), 1948-2019 (8)
Average Recharge (in), 2015 (9)
Average Recharge (in), 2014 (10)
Copyright Text: Oklahoma Water Resources Board - Water Rights Administration Division, Technical Studies
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -385014.61021891254
YMin: 1398780.3918955266
XMax: -293805.29248108686
YMax: 1448798.4048485276
Spatial Reference: 102039
Full Extent:
XMin: -362329.7979846273
YMin: 1377271.5
XMax: -317130.112271056
YMax: 1446815.643632345
Spatial Reference: 102039
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: Hydrologic Investigation of the Ogallala - Roger Mills aquifer in West-Central Oklahoma 2020
Author: Jon Sanford
Comments: The updated Ogallala - Roger Mills aquifer boundary was created for the Hydrologic Investigation of the Ogallala - Roger Mills aquifer in West-Central Oklahoma 2020, using geologic maps, satellite images, field observations, and well logs from the OWRB database. The extent of the aquifer as defined in this study is the area underlain by the Ogallala Formation in Roger Mills County. The aquifer extent is primarily based on the Oklahoma Geological Survey (OGS) preliminary geologic map of the Foss Reservoir quadrangle and the Elk City quadrangle geologic map. Discrepancies between the OGS maps were rectified using satellite imagery and field observations, specifically from 35°24ˈ23ˈˈN to 35°30ˈ55ˈˈ and 99°38ˈ27ˈˈW to 100°0ˈ0ˈˈW. The Ogallala Formation continues west into Texas, which is beyond OWRB jurisdiction, and north of the Canadian River, where it is referred to as the Ogallala – Northwest aquifer by the OWRB. This dataset is tentative and pending Board approval for permitting use.
Subject: The purpose of this dataset is to show the boundary of the Ogallala - Roger Mills aquifer in west-central Oklahoma.
Keywords: owrb,oklahoma,environment,Ogallala Roger Mills,aquifer,groundwater,hydrology,study,yield
AntialiasingMode: None
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, AMF, geoJSON
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
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