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Service Description: Oklahoma Interstate Compacts
The State of Oklahoma is a party to four separate interstate stream compacts involving all the surface waters in that flow into or out of Oklahoma. These are the Canadian River Compact among New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma; the Arkansas River Basin Compact between Kansas and Oklahoma; the Arkansas River Basin Compact between Arkansas and Oklahoma; and the Red River Compact among Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas.
Compacts are written agreements among or between States which have been approved by the United States Congress. They are enacted in Federal statutes as well as the statutes of each of the agreeing States. Among other things, interstate stream compacts apportion the waters in major streams and their tributaries between or among the agreeing States. These compacts also establish agencies known as Compact Commissions, consisting of one or more commissioners from each State plus one or more non-voting federal commissioners. The Compact Commissions meet annually (at rotating locations in the member States) to receive reports regarding stream flows, amount of water stored in reservoirs, and water quality, and to conduct other business to administer the compact provisions. Compact Commissions are assisted by several standing committees staffed by personnel of appropriate member state agencies. Such committees usually include a budget committee, engineering committee, and legal committee. The Arkansas-Oklahoma Compact Commission and the Red River Compact Commission also include an environmental committee.
This dataset represents the approximate geographic extent of the compacts areas.
Map Name: Layers
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Copyright Text: GIS Group
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -947302.2899546716
YMin: 1173425.3327494618
XMax: 582331.0700018182
YMax: 1786337.2465313356
Spatial Reference: 102039
Full Extent:
XMin: -852608.9167999998
YMin: 889076.2967999997
XMax: 475358.6319000013
YMax: 1760528.2244000006
Spatial Reference: 102039
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: Interstate Stream Compacts
Author: GIS Group
Comments: Oklahoma Interstate Compacts
The State of Oklahoma is a party to four separate interstate stream compacts involving all the surface waters in that flow into or out of Oklahoma. These are the Canadian River Compact among New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma; the Arkansas River Basin Compact between Kansas and Oklahoma; the Arkansas River Basin Compact between Arkansas and Oklahoma; and the Red River Compact among Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas.
Compacts are written agreements among or between States which have been approved by the United States Congress. They are enacted in Federal statutes as well as the statutes of each of the agreeing States. Among other things, interstate stream compacts apportion the waters in major streams and their tributaries between or among the agreeing States. These compacts also establish agencies known as Compact Commissions, consisting of one or more commissioners from each State plus one or more non-voting federal commissioners. The Compact Commissions meet annually (at rotating locations in the member States) to receive reports regarding stream flows, amount of water stored in reservoirs, and water quality, and to conduct other business to administer the compact provisions. Compact Commissions are assisted by several standing committees staffed by personnel of appropriate member state agencies. Such committees usually include a budget committee, engineering committee, and legal committee. The Arkansas-Oklahoma Compact Commission and the Red River Compact Commission also include an environmental committee.
This dataset represents the approximate geographic extent of the compacts areas.
Subject: This data shows the Interstate Compact area and monitoring sites.
Keywords: owrb,compacts,surface water,arkansas river,red river,canadian river,interstate stream compacts
AntialiasingMode: None
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, AMF, geoJSON
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
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