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Legend (Special_Studies/North_Fork_RR)

2016 Aquifer Study Area (0)
Elevation of the Base of the Aquifer (ft) (1)
Potentiometric Surface Contour (ft), 1980 (2)
Potentiometric Surface Contour (ft), 2013 (3)
Contour Contour
Approximate Contour Location Approximate Contour Location
Saturated Thickness (ft) (4)
-3.9 - 5.0 -3.9 - 5.0
5.1 - 10.0 5.1 - 10.0
10.1 - 15.0 10.1 - 15.0
15.1 - 25.0 15.1 - 25.0
25.1 - 40.0 25.1 - 40.0
40.1 - 60.0 40.1 - 60.0
60.1 - 85.0 60.1 - 85.0
85.1 - 183.0 85.1 - 183.0
Mean Annual Recharge (in), 1980-2013 (5)
0.00 - 0.30 0.00 - 0.30
0.31 - 0.50 0.31 - 0.50
0.51 - 0.75 0.51 - 0.75
0.76 - 1.40 0.76 - 1.40
1.41 - 2.10 1.41 - 2.10
2.11 - 3.00 2.11 - 3.00
3.01 - 5.00 3.01 - 5.00
5.01 - 16.75 5.01 - 16.75