Description: The 2016 USGS aquifer boundary was modified from a 2015 OWRB aquifer study area. The boundary spans multiple counties, including Beckham, Greer, Jackson, Kiowa, and Roger Mills. The aquifer area is about 777 square miles (497,582 acres). The aquifer is defined as a major alluvial aquifer.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Modified by the OWRB from the 2017 USGS publication Hydrogeology and simulated groundwater flow and availability in the North Fork Red River aquifer, southwest Oklahoma, 1980-2013, Scientific Investigations Report 2017-5098
Authors: S. Jerrod Smith, John H. Ellis, Derrick L. Wagner, and Steven M. Peterson
Description: The base of the North Fork of the Red River was modified from "Evaluation of aquifer performance and water supply capabilities of alluvial and terrace deposits of the North Fork of the Red River in Beckham, Greer, Kiowa, and Jackson Counties, Oklahoma (Douglas C. Kent, Department of Geology at Oklahoma State University, 1980)," with supplemental data provided by the OWRB in the form of drillers completion logs and lithologic log descriptions.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: The base contour map for the North Fork of the Red River aquifer was created for the 2017 USGS publication "Hydrogeology and simulated groundwater flow and availability in the North Fork Red River aquifer, southwest Oklahoma, 1980-2012," but was not shown in the publication. Authors: S. Jerrod Smith, John H. Ellis, Derrick L. Wagner, and Steven M. Peterson
Description: The full 1979 potentiometric surface contour map was derived from three figures (Figures 17,19, and 20) from the original 1980 publication. The contour map was created using drillers log data from the OWRB by subtracting depth to water from a surface elevation map created by the USGS. Areas where drillers logs were not available were filled in using refraction seismograph recorder data.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Modified from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board 1980 publication "Evaluation of aquifer performance and water supply capabilities of alluvial and terrace deposits of the North Fork of the Red River in Beckham, Greer, Kiowa, and Jackson Counties, Oklahoma."
Author: Douglas C. Kent, Department of Geology, Oklahoma State University
Description: The 2013 potentiometric surface was contoured from water level altitudes measured at 100 selected well sites between December 2012 and January 2013.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Modified by the OWRB from the 2017 USGS publication "Hydrogeology and simulated groundwater flow and availability in the North Fork Red River aquifer, Oklahoma, 1980-2013," Scientific Investigations Report 2017-5098
Authors: S. Jerrod Smith, John H. Ellis, Derrick L. Wagner, and Steven M. Peterson
Description: The saturated thickness raster was created by subtracting the water-table elevation raster from the bedrock elevation raster. The saturated thickness was divided into two areas: upgradient and downgradient of Lake Altus. Upgradient of Lake Altus, the saturated thickness ranged from 0 ft at the edges to 183 feet, with a mean of 35 feet, while the saturated thickness downgradient from Lake Altus ranged from 0 ft at the edges to 82 feet, with a mean of 35 feet.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: The saturated thickness raster for the North Fork of the Red River aquifer was created for the 2017 USGS publication "Hydrogeology and simulated groundwater flow and availability in the North Fork Red River aquifer, southwest Oklahoma, 1980-2012," but was not shown in the publication.
Authors: S. Jerrod Smith, John H. Ellis, Derrick L. Wagner, and Steven M. Peterson
Description: The map was created as part of the USGS hydrogeologic investigation of the North Fork of the Red River aquifer using climate, soil, and land-use data. The spatially distrubuted recharge estimates were calculated using the SWB code developed by Westenbroek and others (2010). Recharge estimates ranged from 0.30 to 16.75 inches per year, with a mean of 2.08 inches per year.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Modified by the OWRB from the 2017 USGS publication "Hydrogeology and simulated groundwater flow and availability in the North Fork Red River aquifer, southwest Oklahoma, 1980-2013," Scientific Investigations Report 2017-5098.
Authors: S. Jerrod Smith, John H. Ellis, Derrick L Wagner, and Steven M. Peterson