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snippet: The purpose of this dataset is to make available to the public the data that appears in the 2017 USGS North Fork Red River hydrologic study.
summary: The purpose of this dataset is to make available to the public the data that appears in the 2017 USGS North Fork Red River hydrologic study.
extent: [[-100.278715154143,34.5336120988379],[-98.8348449514659,35.5500962610787]]
accessInformation: USGS/OWRB
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Ths data is from the USGS report Hydrogeology and simulated groundwater flow and availability in the North Fork Red River aquifer, southwest Oklahoma, 1980-2013. See for more information.
title: Hydrogeology and simulated groundwater flow and availability in the North Fork Red River aquifer, southwest Oklahoma, 1980-2013
type: Map Service
tags: ["usgs","owrb","oklahoma","aquifer","study","north fork red river","alluvial","central oklahoma","hydrology"]
culture: en-US
name: North_Fork_RR
guid: FD4730A9-093F-4D8A-B457-5E205B2BF504
spatialReference: USA_Contiguous_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_USGS_version