Real-Time and Continuous Water Level Wells (0)
| Real-Time (OWRB/Mesonet) |
| Real-Time (USGS) |
| Continuous - Active (OWRB) |
| Continuous - Historic (OWRB) |
Aquifer Study Area (GW) (1)
Elevation of the Base of the Combined Chase, Council Grove, and Admire Groups (ft) (2)
Elevation of the Base of the Wellington Formation (ft) (3)
Elevation of the Base of the Hennessey Formation (ft) (4)
Elevation of the Base of Fresh Groundwater (ft) (5)
Potentiometric Surface Contours (ft), 1986-1987 (6)
Potentiometric Surface Contours (ft), 2009 (7)
Saturated Thickness (ft), 2009 (8)
| 0 to 50 |
| 50.1 to 100 |
| 100.1 to 150 |
| 150.1 to 200 |
| 200.1 to 250 |
| 250.1 to 300 |
| 300.1 to 350 |
| 350.1 to 400 |
| 400.1 to 450 |
| 450.1 to 500 |
| 500.1 to 550 |
| 550.1 to 600 |
| 600.1 to 650 |
| 650.1 to 700 |
| 700.1 to 750 |
| 750.1 to 800 |
| 800.1 to 850 |
| 850.1 to 900 |
| 900.1 to 920 |
Mean Recharge, Inches per Day, 1887-2009 (9)
| 0 - 0.002 |
| 0.003 - 0.005 |
| 0.006 - 0.009 |
| 0.010 - 0.011 |
| 0.012 - 0.014 |
| 0.015 - 0.016 |
| 0.017 - 0.019 |
| 0.020 - 0.026 |
| 0.027 - 0.040 |
| 0.041 - 0.065 |