Real-Time and Continuous Water Level Wells (0)
| Real-Time (OWRB/Mesonet) |
| Real-Time (USGS) |
| Continuous - Active (OWRB) |
| Continuous - Historic (OWRB) |
Aquifer Extent, 1982 (1)
Aquifer Study Area, 2014 (2)
Elevation of Aquifer Base (ft), 2014 (3)
Elevation of Aquifer Base (ft), 1982 (4)
Elevation of Potentiometric Surface (ft), 2014 (5)
Elevation of Water Table (ft), 1982 (6)
Saturated Thickness (ft), 2014 (7)
Average Annual Recharge (in) 1998-2013 (8)
| 0 to 0.5 |
| 0.5 to 2 |
| 2 to 6 |
| 6 to 8 |
| 8 to 10 |