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Layer: Aquifer Extent, 1982 (ID: 0)

Name: Aquifer Extent, 1982

Display Field: NAME

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon

Description: OWRB Groundwater AquifersThis dataset represents major and minor groundwater aquifers in Oklahoma. The groundwater aquifers in this dataset are used by the OWRB as the most current and accepted aquifers boundaries. Most of the aquifers have very generalized boundaries and should not be used for detailed analysis. The source information for each of the boundaries varies. This information can be found in the attribute table.The dataset includes groundwater basins that have a final maximum annual yield determination by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board.TITLE 785. OKLAHOMA WATER RESOURCES BOARDCHAPTER 30. TAKING AND USE OF GROUNDWATERSUBCHAPTER 9. MAXIMUM ANNUAL YIELD DETERMINATIONSSection785:30-9-1. Hydrologic surveys and investigations785:30-9-2. Determination of maximum annual yield785:30-9-3. Annual yield hearings785:30-9-4. Final determination as to the maximum annual yield to be allocated785:30-9-5. Updating hydrologic surveys785:30-9-6. Issuance of regular permit to temporary permit holder785:30-9-1. Hydrologic surveys and investigations(a) Prior to making orders establishing the tentative maximum annual yield for major groundwater basins or subbasins therein, the Board shall make hydrologic surveys and investigations. The Board is authorized to cooperate with state and federal agencies engaged in similar surveys and investigations and may accept and use the findings of such agencies. [82:1020.4](b) Prior to making orders establishing the tentative maximum annual yield for minor groundwater basins or subbasins therein, the Board shall prepare reports using information from hydrologic surveys and investigations of groundwater basins or subbasins having substantially the same geological and hydrological characteristics and data from wells in such basin or subbasins and other relevant information. [82:1020.4] [Source: Amended at 11 Ok Reg 2935, eff 6-13-94]785:30-9-2. Determination of maximum annual yield(a) After completing the hydrologic survey, the Board shall make a tentative determination of the maximum annual yield of groundwater to be produced from each major groundwater basin or subbasin therein. Such determination shall be based upon the following:(1) The total land area overlying the basin or subbasin;(2) The amount of water in storage in the basin or subbasin at the time of the survey or investigation;(3) The rate of recharge to the basin or subbasin and total discharge from the basin or subbasin the time of the survey or investigation;(4) Transmissibility or transmissivity of the basin or subbasin; and(5) The possibility of pollution of the basin or subbasin from natural sources(b) The maximum annual yield of each groundwater basin or subbasin shall be based upon a minimum basin or subbasin life of twenty (20) years from the order establishing the final determination of the maximum annual yield. [82:1020.5](c) For minor groundwater basins or subbasins therein, the tentative determination of the maximum annual yield shall be based upon present and reasonably foreseeable future use of groundwater from such basin or subbasin, recharge and total discharge, the geographical region in which the basin or subbasin is located and other relevant factors. [82:1020.5(C)](d) The maximum annual yield of each minor groundwater basin or subbasin shall be based upon a minimum basin or subbasin life of twenty (20) years from the order establishing the final determination of the maximum annual yield.(e) The maximum annual yield for a sensitive sole source groundwater basin or subbasin will ensure than any permit for removal of water from the basin or subbasin will not reduce the natural flow of water from springs or streams emanating from said basin or subbasin [82:1020.9A(B)(2)]. [Source: Amended at 11 Ok Reg 2935, eff 6-13-94; Amended at 21 Ok Reg 2632, eff 7-1-2004]785:30-9-3. Annual yield hearings(a) Once the Board has set a tentative maximum annual yield for the groundwater basin or subbasin, the Board shall call and hold hearings at centrally located places within the area of the major groundwater basin or subbasin or in the county for minor groundwater basins or subbasins [82:1020.6] if such hearings are requested.(b) Copies of the order and notices of the tentative determination and how to formally request a hearing shall be mailed by first class mail or post card to the address of record of all holders of permits to use groundwater from the basin or subbasin subject of the yield proceedings.(c) Notice of the tentative determination and how to formally request a hearing on the tentative order such hearings shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in each county having lands that overlie the basin or subbasin. The notice shall be published at least once per week for two (2) consecutive weeks and the last publication shall be at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the hearing if a hearing is requested and held. Notice and hearing on the tentative determination of the maximum annual yield for minor groundwater basins or subbasins may be consolidated. [82:1020.11(B)] Notice of the tentative determination and how to formally request a hearing on the tentative order may also be published in the Oklahoma Water News, the periodic newsletter of the Board.(d) Such hearings, if requested, will be held in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act and Chapter 4 of this Title.(e) Prior to such hearings being held, the Board shall make copies of such hydrologic survey available for inspection and examination by all interested persons and, at such hearings, shall present evidence of the geological findings and determinations upon which the tentative maximum annual yield has been based.(f) Any interested party shall have the right to present evidence in support or opposition thereto. [82:1020.6] [Source: Amended at 11 Ok Reg 2935, eff 6-13-94; Amended at 12 Ok Reg 2689, eff 7-1-95; Amended at 13 Ok Reg 2875, eff 7-1-96]785:30-9-4. Final determination as to the maximum annual yield to be allocated(a) After hearings are completed, but no longer than one (1) year after the tentative order has been approved unless otherwise deemed necessary by the Board, the Board shall then proceed to make its final determination as to the maximum annual yield of groundwater which shall be allocated to each acre of land overlying such basin or subbasin by issuing a final order containing findings of fact and conclusions of law, which order shall be subject to judicial review pursuant to Article II of the Administrative Procedures Act. [82:1020.4(C)](b) Determinations of maximum annual yields are not rules, rulemaking procedures of the APA are not followed; and the declaratory judgment provision of the APA is inapplicable. [Source: Amended at 11 Ok Reg 2935, eff 6-13-94]785:30-9-5. Updating hydrologic surveysThe Board shall review and update, if necessary, the hydrologic least every twenty (20) years after issuance of the final order determining the maximum annual yield. [82:1020.4][Source: Amended at 11 Ok Reg 2935, eff 6-13-94]785:30-9-6. Issuance of regular permit to temporary permit holder(a) As soon as practical after the maximum annual yield and equal proportionate share have been determined for a groundwater basin or subbasin, the Board shall issue a regular permit to each holder of a temporary permit to use groundwater from said basin.(b) In issuing these regular permits, the Board shall notify the temporary permit holder by first class mail that his equal proportionate share of the basin or subbasin has been determined, that a regular permit has been issued to him based on this allocation, and that his temporary permit has lapsed. A copy of the regular permit shall be included with this notification.(c) If the temporary permit listed more than one purpose and amounts for each, and the equal proportionate share is less than the total allocated by the temporary permit, the amounts for each purpose will be adjusted proportionately in a ratio equal to the amount for each purpose and the total under the temporary permit.(1) A request to adjust amounts may thereafter be granted without notice and hearing, provided that the maximum amount for any one of the purposes cannot be greater than the amount allocated for that purpose in the temporary permit.(2) Such request must be filed within 30 days of receipt of the regular permit.(d) The regular permit shall contain the condition that no new wells shall be drilled closer than the established well spacing distance, as provided in 785:30-3-6(b), unless a location exception is granted.[Source: Amended at 12 Ok Reg 2689, eff 7-1-95; Amended at 13 Ok Reg 2876, eff 7-1-96]

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