Name: Aquifer Extent, 2016
Display Field: AREA
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The boundary of the Cimarron River alluvium and terrace aquifer largely follows the aquifer area presented in Adams an Bergman (1996), which was based on the outcrop extent of Cimarron River alluvium and terrace deposits as shown on Oklahoma Geological Survey (OGS) hydrologic atlases by Morton (1980), Bingham and Moore (1983), and Bingham and Bergman (1980). The defined aquifer area was expanded as part of this investigation to reflect changes to the outcrop extent of alluvium and terrace deposits as shown on more recent OGS geology quadrangle maps by Stanley and Suneson (2002), Miller and Stanley (2003), Stanley, Miller, and Suneson (2002), Stanley and Miller (2008), and Stanley (2021). The most apparent changes occurred along the northern and northwestern boundaries of the aquifer in T19N, R06WI, T24N, R11WI, and T27N, R15WI; thin terrace deposits and cover sands were expanded into these areas in the most recent geology maps. The deposits in these areas have little or no saturated thickness. The outcrop area of Permian-age Cedar Hills Sandstone and Flowerpot shale in parts of Woods and Alfalfa counties was modified based on available well drillers lithologic logs from the OWRB database. Drillers logs which indicated at least 10 feet of unconsolidated sediments were considered part of the defined aquifer area. The extent of the Cimarron River aquifer covers all or parts of Township 15N, Range 05WI, and Township 16N, Ranges 03WI, 04WI, 05WI, 06WI, and 07WI, and Township 17N, Ranges 03WI, 04WI, 05WI, 06WI, 07WI, and 08WI, and Township 18N, Ranges 04WI, 05WI, 06WI, 07WI, 08WI, and 09WI, and Township 19N, Ranges 06WI, 07WI, 08WI, 09WI, and 10WI, and Township 20N, Ranges, 06WI, 07WI, 08WI, 09WI, and 10WI, and Township 21N, Ranges 08WI, 09WI, 10WI, 11WI, and 12WI, and Township 22N, Ranges 09WI, 10WI, 11WI, 12WI, 13WI, 14WI, and 15WI, and Township 23N, Ranges 10WI, 11WI, 12WI, 13WI, 14WI, 15WI, and 16WI, and Township 24N, Ranges 10WI, 11WI, 12WI, 13WI, 14WI, 15WI, 16WI, and 17WI, and Township 25N, Ranges, 12WI, 13WI, 14WI, 15WI, 16WI, and 17WI, and Township 26N, Ranges 12WI, 13WI, 14WI, 15WI, 16WI, 17WI, and 18WI, and Township 27N, Ranges 13WI, 14WI, 15WI, 17WI, and 18WI.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Oklahoma Water Resources Board - R. Jacob Hernandez, Alan K. LePera, Technical Studies
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Spatial Reference: 102039
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Supported Operations:
Generate Renderer
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