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HouseDistrictsProjectsOverview (MapServer)
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Document Name:
Oklahoma House District(0)
Project(s) Funded by OWRB Loan or Grant(1)
Potential Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Site(2)
Identified Potential Lake Site(3)
Groundwater, Stream, or Lake Monitoring Site(4)
Groundwater Water Level Monitoring Wells(5)
Lake Monitoring Sites(6)
Stream Monitoring Sites(7)
Fish Monitoring Sites(8)
Real-Time Surface Water Gage(9)
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Participating City(10)
OWRB Jurisdictional Dam(11)
Permitted Wells or Surface Water Diversions(12)
Long-Term Groundwater or Surface Water Use Permit(13)
90-Day Provisional Groundwater or Surface Water Use Permit(14)
OWRB Groundwater Well Log(15)
Reservoir Water Availability Study Status(16)
NFIP County Participation(17)
Groundwater Basin(18)
Total Funding by County(19)
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