| |
| COag - Arbuckle Group, Undifferentated |
| COsm - Signal Mountain Formation |
| Cat - Lower part of Arbuckle Group and Timbered Hills Group |
| Ccb - Colbert Porphyry |
| Ccg - Cache Granite |
| Ccp - Cooperton Granite |
| Ccr - Carlton Rhyolite Group |
| Ccs - Cold Springs Breccia |
| Cdm - Davidson Metarhyolite |
| Cfs - Fort Sill Formation |
| Cgb - Roosevelt Gabbro, undifferentiated |
| Cgc - Glen Creek Gabbro |
| Cgm - Glen Mountains Layered Complex |
| Chc - Honey Creek Formation |
| Chg - Headquarters Granite |
| Chr - Headquarters/Reformatory Granite Mixed Zone |
| Clg - Lugert Granite |
| Clh - Lugert Granite Hybrid |
| Clm - Long Mountain Granite |
| Cmb - Mount Baker Gabbro |
| Cmg - Medicine Park Granite |
| Cms - Mount Sheridan Gabbro |
| Coal |
| Cqg - Quanah Granite |
| Cr - Rush Creek Granite |
| Crg - Reformatory Granite |
| Crl - Reformatory/Lugert Granite Mixed Zone |
| Crs - Reagan Sandstone |
| Csc - Sandy Creek Gabbro |
| Csg - Mount Scott Granite |
| Csm - Saddle Mountain Granite |
| Ctg - Timbered Hills Group |
| Cth |
| Cwg - Wichita Granite Group |
| DSOh - Hunton Group |
| IPMsg - Springer Group |
| IPMsp - Springer Formation |
| IPMw |
| IPPcg - Council Grove Group |
| IPPst - Stratford Formation |
| IPPvn - Vanoss Formation |
| IPa |
| IPad - Ada Formation |
| IPag - Admire Formation |
| IPal |
| IPass |
| IPat |
| IPaw |
| IPb |
| IPb(un) |
| IPb2 |
| IPb3 |
| IPb3a |
| IPb3b |
| IPb3c |
| IPb3d |
| IPb4 |
| IPb5 |
| IPbbj |
| IPbbj(l) |
| IPbbj(u) |
| IPbbj(un) |
| IPbc - Belle City Limestone |
| IPbg |
| IPbgb |
| IPbn - Barnsdall Formation |
| IPbss |
| IPcb |
| IPch |
| IPcl - Calvin Sandstone |
| IPcv - Coffeyville Formation |
| IPdg - Douglas Group |
| IPdg - Deese Group |
| IPdh |
| IPdw - Dewey Formation |
| IPfr - Francis Formation |
| IPfs |
| IPh |
| IPhg - Holdenville Group |
| IPhh |
| IPhhM |
| IPhs - Hogshooter Formation |
| IPht - Hilltop Formation |
| IPhv - Holdenville Formation |
| IPhx |
| IPia - Iola Formation |
| IPjf |
| IPjfl |
| IPjfu |
| IPjv |
| IPlb |
| IPlb/IPwt |
| IPlo - Lost Branch Formation |
| IPm |
| IPm(un) |
| IPma |
| IPmc |
| IPmk |
| IPml |
| IPmls |
| IPmm - Memorial Formation |
| IPmmcM |
| IPmmss |
| IPmmu |
| IPms |
| IPmt |
| IPmw |
| IPmw(I) |
| IPmw(u) |
| IPmw(un) |
| IPnb - Nellie Bly Formation |
| IPnw - Nowata Formation |
| IPnwf |
| IPog |
| IPsg - Shawnee Group |
| IPsm - Seminole Formation |
| IPsn - Senora Formation |
| IPsnc |
| IPsp |
| IPst - Stuart Shale |
| IPsv |
| IPsv(un) |
| IPsv1 |
| IPsv1&2 |
| IPsv1,2 |
| IPsv1a |
| IPsv1b |
| IPsv2 |
| IPsv2,3,4 |
| IPsv2a |
| IPsv2b |
| IPsv3 |
| IPsv3,4 |
| IPsv3a |
| IPsv3ab |
| IPsv3b |
| IPsv3c |
| IPsv4 |
| IPsv5 |
| IPsv5,6 |
| IPsv5,6,7 |
| IPsv5,6un |
| IPsv6 |
| IPsv6a |
| IPsv6b |
| IPsv7 |
| IPsv7a |
| IPsv7b |
| IPsvss |
| IPth - Thurman Sandstone |
| IPtl - Tallant Formation |
| IPva - Vamoosa Group or Vamoosa Formation |
| IPvg - Vamoosa Group |
| IPvm - Vamoosa Formation |
| IPvn - Vanoss Formation |
| IPvs |
| IPw |
| IPwg - Wabaunsee Group |
| IPwk |
| IPwn - Wann Formation |
| IPws |
| IPwt - Wetumka Shale |
| IPwu |
| IPww - Wewoka Formation |
| Jex - Exeter Formation |
| Jmo - Morrison Formation |
| Kan - Antlers Sandstone |
| Kbo - Bokchito Formation |
| Kca - Caddo Formation |
| Kd - Dakota Formation |
| Kef |
| Kgb |
| Kgg - Greenhorn Limestone and Graneros Shale, Undivided |
| Kgw - Goodland Limestone and Walnut Clay |
| Kka - Kiamichi Formation |
| Kkc - Kiowa Shale and Cheyenne Sandstone, Undivided |
| Kki - Kiowa Shale |
| Kud - Cretaceous, Undivided |
| Kwd |
| Kwdd |
| Kwdl |
| Kwdr |
| Kwdt |
| MDar |
| MDsw - Woodford Shale |
| Mbn |
| Mbv |
| Mdc - Delaware Creek Shale |
| Mgo - Goddard Formation |
| Mhv |
| Ms |
| Mst |
| Nog - Ogallala Formation |
| Nrb - Raton Basalt |
| OCbf - Butterly Dolomite (Ord.), Signal Mountain Formation (Ord.& Camb.), and Fort Sill Limestone (Camb.) |
| Obg |
| Obm - Bromide+Tulip Creek and McLish Formations |
| Obr - Bromide Formation |
| Occ - Cool Creek Formation |
| Ocm - Cool Creek and McKenzie Hill Formations |
| Ok |
| Oki - Kindblade Formation |
| Omh - McKenzie Hill Formation |
| Oml - McLish Formation |
| Ooc - Oil Creek Formation |
| Ooj - Oil Creek and Joins Formation |
| Opc |
| Osv - Sylvan Shale (U. Ord) and Viola Group (U. and M. Ord.) |
| Ovs - Viola Springs Formation |
| Ovsf - Viola Springs and Fernvale Limestones |
| Ow |
| Owk - West Spring Creek and Kindblade Formations |
| Owm |
| Ows - West Spring Creek Formation |
| Pbb - Big Branch Formation |
| Pbe - Elm Fork Member of Blaine Formation |
| Pbi - Bison Formation or Bison Shale |
| Pbl - Blaine Formation |
| Pbv - Van Vacter Member of Blaine Formation |
| Pc - Chickasha Formation |
| Pcc - Cloud Chief Formation |
| Pcg - Chase Group |
| Pch - Cedar Hill Sandstone |
| Pcr - Collings Ranch Conglomerate |
| Pdc - Dog Creek Shale |
| Pdg - Deese Group |
| Pdn - Duncan Sandstone |
| Pdx - Doxey Formation |
| Pec - Elk City Sandstone |
| Pel - El Reno Group, Undifferentiated |
| Pfp - Flowerpot Shale |
| Pgc - Golf Course Formation |
| Pgr - Garber Sandstone |
| Phx - Hoxbar Group |
| Phy - Hennessey Formation |
| Phyb - Brinkman Bed of Hennessey Formation |
| Phyp - Purcell Sandstone Member of Hennessey Formation |
| Phyr - Reeding Sandstone Member of Hennessey Formatioin |
| Plm - Lake Murray Formation |
| Pmw - Marlow Formation |
| Png - Nippewalla Group |
| Pno - Nocona Formation |
| Ppo - Post Oak Conglomerate |
| Ppt - Petrolia Formation |
| Prs - Rush Springs Formation |
| Psa - San Angelo Sandstone |
| Psg - Sumner Group |
| Psm - Seminole Formation |
| Psnc |
| Psw - Stillwater Formation |
| Pv - Verden Sandstone in Marlow Formation |
| Pvs - Vanoss Formation |
| Pwe - Wellington Formation |
| Pwh - Whitehorse Group |
| Pwr - Waggoner Ranch Formation |
| Qa |
| Qaai |
| Qacm - Alluvium of Canadian River (Holocene) |
| Qaco - Alluvium of North Canadian River |
| Qacy - Alluvium of Canadian River (Holocene) |
| Qadm - Alluvium of Dave Blue Creek |
| Qal - Alluvium |
| Qalm - Alluvium (Holocene) |
| Qao - Older Alluvium |
| Qao2 - Older Alluvium |
| Qcl - Cover Loess |
| Qcs - Cover Sand |
| Qds - Dune Sand |
| Qe |
| Qg |
| Qgco - Remnants of older terrace deposits (Pleistocene) |
| Qgcy - Remnants of younger terrace deposits (Pleistocene) |
| Qglo - Remnants of older terrace deposits (Pleistocene) |
| Qgy - Gypsite |
| Qls |
| Qmts |
| Qpd - Pediment Deposit |
| Qpy - Playa Deposit |
| Qsp - Salt Plains Deposits |
| Qt |
| Qtg - Terrace Gravel |
| Qtg1 - Remnants of Terrace Deposits |
| Qtg2 - Remnants of Terrace Deposits |
| Qtg3 - Remnants of Terrace Deposits |
| Qtg4 - Terrace Deposits |
| Qtgo - Remnants of Older Terrace Deposits (Pleistocene) |
| Qtl - Talus Deposit |
| Qts - Terrace Sands |
| Qtv - Volcanic Ash |
| Quts |
| Smm |
| Spoil Pile |
| Swamp - Swamp |
| Tdo - Dockum Group, Undivided |
| Ttc - Tecovas Formation |
| Ttr - Trujillo Formation |
| Water - Water |
| Xbr |
| Xbu |
| Xti |
| Xtr |
| af - Fill |
| x |