Surficial Geology (0)
| Cat, Lower part of Arbuckle Group and Timbered Hills Group |
| Cb, Arbuckle Group and Timbered Hills Group |
| Cbf, Butterfly Dolomite+Signal Mountain Limestone+Royer Dolomite and Fort Sill Limestone |
| Ccr, Carlton Rhyolite Group |
| Cp, Colbert Porphyry |
| Cr, Raggedy Mountain Gabbro Group |
| Cth, Timbered Hills Group |
| Cwg, Wichita Granite Group |
| DSh, Hunton Group |
| Da, Arkansas Novaculite |
| Dp, Pine Top Chert |
| Dw, Woodford Shale |
| IPa, Ada Formation (Group) |
| IPat, Atoka Formation |
| IPb, Belle City Formation or Limestone |
| IPbd, Barnsdall Formation |
| IPbh, Bloyd and Hale Formations |
| IPbj, Bluejacket Sandstone |
| IPbo, Boggy Formation |
| IPbv, Vamoosa+Tallant+Barnsdall Formations |
| IPca, Calvin Sandstone |
| IPcc, Coffeyville and Checkerboard Formations or Checkerboard Limestone |
| IPcf, Coffeyville or Francis Formation (restricted) |
| IPch, Chanute Formation |
| IPd, Dewey Formation or Dewey Limestone |
| IPde, Deese Group |
| IPdo, Dornick Hills Group |
| IPfs, Fort Scott Limestone |
| IPh, Holdenville Formation or Holdenville Shale |
| IPha, Hartshorne Sandstone |
| IPhg, Hogshooter Formation |
| IPhl, Holdenville and Lenapah Formations |
| IPho, Hoxbar Group |
| IPht, Hilltop Formation |
| IPhu, Upper Holdenville Formation |
| IPjf, Jackfork Group or Jackfork Sandstone |
| IPjv, Johns Valley Formation or Johns Valley Shale |
| IPlb, Labette Formation |
| IPlg, Limestone Gap |
| IPlm, Lynn Mountain Formation |
| IPlp, Lenapah Formation |
| IPm, McAlester Formation |
| IPma, Morrowan-Atokan (?) rocks undifferentiated |
| IPmh, McAlester and Hartshorne Formations |
| IPmo, Morrowan rocks undifferentiated |
| IPn, Nellie Bly Formation |
| IPnh, Nellie Bly Formation and Hogshooter Limestone |
| IPnw, Nowata Formation |
| IPo, Oscar Group |
| IPol, Oolagah Formation |
| IPsa, Savanna Formation |
| IPse, Senora Formation |
| IPsl, Seminole Formation |
| IPsm, Savanna and McAlester Formations |
| IPsma, Savanna+McAlester+Hartshorne+Atoka Formations |
| IPsmh, Savanna+McAlester+Hartshorne Formations |
| IPst, Stuart Shale |
| IPta, Tallant Formation |
| IPth, Thurman Sandstone |
| IPto, Torpedo Formation |
| IPu, Undifferentiated |
| IPul, Union Valley Formation with limestone |
| IPus, Union Valley Formation with sandstone |
| IPv, Vanoss Group |
| IPva, Vamoosa Group or Vamoosa Formation |
| IPw, Wewoka Formation |
| IPwa, Wapanucka Formation |
| IPwal, Wapanucka Formation |
| IPwas, Wapanucka Formation |
| IPwc, Wapanucka Formation and Chickachoc Chert |
| IPwe, Wetumka Shale |
| IPwi, Wann and Iola Formations or Iola Limestone |
| Ipat, Atoka Formation |
| Je, Exeter (Entrada) Sandstone |
| Jm, Morrison Formation |
| Ka, Antlers Sand or Antlers Sandstone |
| Kb, Bokchito Formation |
| Kbr, Brownstown Marl |
| Kc, Colorado Group |
| Kcf, Caddo Formation |
| Kd, Dakota Group |
| Kdc, Denton Clay |
| Kdq, DeQueen Limestone |
| Kds, Dakota Sandstone |
| Kef, Eagle Ford Formation |
| Kgb, Grayson Marl and Bennington Limestone |
| Kgw, Goodland Limestone and Walnut Clay |
| Kh, Holly Creek Formation |
| Kk, Kiowa Formation |
| Kki, Kiamichi Formation |
| Ko, Ozan Formation |
| Kp, Purgatoire Formation |
| Kpm, Pawpaw Sandstone and McNutt Limestone |
| Kto, Tokio Formation |
| Kw, Woodbine Formation |
| Kwd, Dexter Member of Woodbine Formation |
| Kwl, Lewisville Member of Woodbine Formation |
| Kwr, Red Branch Member of Woodbine Formation |
| Kws, Weno Clay and Soper Limestone |
| Kwt, Templeton Member of Woodbine Formation |
| MDO, Chattanooga+Fernvale+Fite+Tyner+Burgen+Cotter Formations |
| MDSO, Undifferentiated- Mississisippian+Devonian+Silurian+Ordovician Rocks |
| MDSa, Arkansas Novaculite |
| MDw, Woodford Shale |
| MZu, Mesozoic rocks undifferentiated |
| Md, Delaware Creek Shale |
| Mg, Goddard Shale |
| Mkr, Keokuk and Reeds Spring Formations and St. Joe Group |
| Mp, Pitkin+Fayetteville+Hindsville+Moorefield Formations |
| Mpfh, Pitkin+Fayetteville+Batesville+Hindsville+Moorefield Formations |
| Mst, Stanley Group or Stanley Shale |
| Msw, Sycamore and Welden Limestones |
| Mu, Undifferentiated Mississippian Rocks |
| Ob, Blakely Sandstone |
| Obf, Bigfork Chert |
| Obm, Bromide+Tulip Creek and McLish Formations |
| Oc, Collier Shale |
| Ocm, Cool Creek and McKenzie Hill Formations |
| Ocs, Crystal Mountain Sandstone |
| Ok, Kindblade Formation |
| Om, Mazarn Shale |
| Ooj, Oil Creek and Joins Formation |
| Op, Polk Creek Shale |
| Osfv, Sylvan Shale+Fernvale Limestone and Viola Limestone |
| Oua, Upper part of Arbuckle Group |
| Ovb, Viola Limestone and Bromide Formation |
| Ow, Womble Formation or Womble Shale |
| Owk, West Spring Creek and Kindblade Formations |
| Ows, West Spring Creek Formation |
| Pb, Blaine Formation |
| Pbe, Elm Fork Member of Blaine Formation |
| Pbi, Bison Formation or Bison Shale |
| Pbv, Van Vacter Member of Blaine Formation |
| Pc, Chickasha Formation |
| Pcc, Cloud Chief Formation |
| Pch, Cedar Hill Sandstone |
| Pd, Duncan Sandstone |
| Pdc, Dog Creek Shale |
| Pdy, Doxey Formation or Doxey Shale |
| Pec, Elk City Sandstone |
| Per, El Reno Group |
| Pf, Flowerpot Shale |
| Pfa, Fairmont Shale |
| Pg, Garber Sandstone |
| Phy, Hennessey Group |
| Pk, Kingman Formation or Kingman Siltstone |
| Pm, Marlow Formation |
| Pmd, Doe Creek Lentil of Marlow Formation |
| Pmv, Verden Sandstone Lentil of Marlow Formation |
| Pp, Purcell Sandstone |
| Ppo, Post Oak Conglomerate |
| Pr, Rush Springs Formation |
| Prw, Weatherford Gypsum Bed of Rush Springs Formation |
| Psa, San Angelo Sandstone |
| Psp, Salt Plains Formation |
| Pu, Permian rocks undifferentiated |
| Pw, Wellington Formation |
| Pwh, Whitehorse Group |
| Qa, Alluvium |
| Qal, Alluvium |
| Qd, Dune Sand |
| Qds, Dune Sand |
| Qt, Terrace Deposits |
| Sb, Blaylock Sandstone |
| Sm, Missouri Mountain Shale |
| SmOp, Missouri Mountain and Polk Creek Shales |
| Smb, Missouri Mountain Shale and Blaylock Sandstone |
| TRd, Dockum Group |
| Tb, Basalt |
| To, Ogallala Formation |
| Toa, Pleistocene and Pliocene deposits |
| WATER, |
| WATER, Water |
| d, Diorite Sill |
| pCg, Spavinaw Granite |
| pCt, Tishomingo and Troy Granites |