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Legend (Hazard/Floodplain_CTP)

Floodway Changes (2)
No Floodway Change No Floodway Change
Floodway Decrease Floodway Decrease
Floodway Increase Floodway Increase
Special Flood Hazard Area Changes (3)
No SFHA Change No SFHA Change
SFHA Decrease SFHA Decrease
SFHA Increase SFHA Increase
Proposed Base Flood Elevations (5)
Proposed Cross Sections (6)
Proposed Special Flood Hazard Areas (7)
A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined
AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined
AE, Floodway - AE zone with development regulations AE, Floodway - AE zone with development regulations
X - 0.2% annual chance of flooding X - 0.2% annual chance of flooding
Changes Since Last FIRM (9)
No Special Flood Hazard Area Change No Special Flood Hazard Area Change
Special Flood Hazard Area Decrease Special Flood Hazard Area Decrease
Special Flood Hazard Area Increase Special Flood Hazard Area Increase
Proposed Cross Sections (11)
Proposed Special Flood Hazard Areas (12)
A - 1% Annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined A - 1% Annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined
Proposed Cross Sections (15)
Proposed Special Flood Hazard Areas (16)
A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined
AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined
Proposed Base Flood Elevations (19)
Proposed Cross Sections (20)
Proposed Special Flood Hazard Areas (21)
A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined
AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined
AE, Floodway - AE zone with development regulations AE, Floodway - AE zone with development regulations
X - 0.2% annual chance of flooding X - 0.2% annual chance of flooding
Noble County Parcels (22)
Floodway Changes (25)
No Floodway Change No Floodway Change
Floodway Decrease Floodway Decrease
Floodway Increase Floodway Increase
Special Flood Hazard Area Changes (26)
No SFHA Change No SFHA Change
SFHA Decrease SFHA Decrease
SFHA Increase SFHA Increase
Proposed Base Flood Elevations (28)
Proposed Cross Sections (29)
Proposed Special Flood Hazard Areas (30)
A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined
AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined
AE, Floodway - AE zone with development regulations AE, Floodway - AE zone with development regulations
X, 0.2% annual chance flood hazard X, 0.2% annual chance flood hazard
Current Effective Special Flood Hazard Areas (31)
1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zones A, AE 1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zones A, AE
Regulatory Floodway Regulatory Floodway
0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zone X 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zone X
Ottawa County Parcels (32)
Proposed Base Flood Elevations (35)
Proposed Cross Sections (36)
Proposed Special Flood Hazard Areas (37)
A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined
AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined
AE, Floodway - AE zone with development regulations AE, Floodway - AE zone with development regulations
AO - areas subject to sheet flooding AO - areas subject to sheet flooding
X - 0.2% annual chance of flooding X - 0.2% annual chance of flooding
X - 0.2% annual chance of flooding contained in channel X - 0.2% annual chance of flooding contained in channel
Current Effective Special Flood Hazard Areas (38)
1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zones A, AE, AO 1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zones A, AE, AO
Regulatory Floodway Regulatory Floodway
0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zone X 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zone X
Proposed Base Flood Elevations (41)
Proposed Cross Sections (42)
Proposed Special Flood Hazard Areas (43)
A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined
AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined
AE, Floodway - AE zone with development regulations AE, Floodway - AE zone with development regulations
X - 0.2% annual chance of flooding X - 0.2% annual chance of flooding
Current Effective Special Flood Hazard Areas (44)
1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zones A, AE 1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zones A, AE
Regulatory Floodway Regulatory Floodway
0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zone X 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zone X
CTP Watersheds (45)
Lower Cimarron-Skeleton Lower Cimarron-Skeleton
Lake o' the Cherokees Lake o' the Cherokees
Lower North Canadian Lower North Canadian
County Boundaries (46)