Floodway Changes (2)
| No Floodway Change |
| Floodway Decrease |
| Floodway Increase |
Special Flood Hazard Area Changes (3)
| No SFHA Change |
| SFHA Decrease |
| SFHA Increase |
Proposed Base Flood Elevations (5)
Proposed Cross Sections (6)
Proposed Special Flood Hazard Areas (7)
| A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined |
| AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined |
| AE, Floodway - AE zone with development regulations |
| X - 0.2% annual chance of flooding |
Changes Since Last FIRM (9)
| No Special Flood Hazard Area Change |
| Special Flood Hazard Area Decrease |
| Special Flood Hazard Area Increase |
Proposed Cross Sections (11)
Proposed Special Flood Hazard Areas (12)
| A - 1% Annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined |
Proposed Cross Sections (15)
Proposed Special Flood Hazard Areas (16)
| A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined |
| AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined |
Proposed Base Flood Elevations (19)
Proposed Cross Sections (20)
Proposed Special Flood Hazard Areas (21)
| A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined |
| AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined |
| AE, Floodway - AE zone with development regulations |
| X - 0.2% annual chance of flooding |
Noble County Parcels (22)
Floodway Changes (25)
| No Floodway Change |
| Floodway Decrease |
| Floodway Increase |
Special Flood Hazard Area Changes (26)
| No SFHA Change |
| SFHA Decrease |
| SFHA Increase |
Proposed Base Flood Elevations (28)
Proposed Cross Sections (29)
Proposed Special Flood Hazard Areas (30)
| A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined |
| AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined |
| AE, Floodway - AE zone with development regulations |
| X, 0.2% annual chance flood hazard |
Current Effective Special Flood Hazard Areas (31)
| 1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zones A, AE |
| Regulatory Floodway |
| 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zone X |
Ottawa County Parcels (32)
Proposed Base Flood Elevations (35)
Proposed Cross Sections (36)
Proposed Special Flood Hazard Areas (37)
| A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined |
| AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined |
| AE, Floodway - AE zone with development regulations |
| AO - areas subject to sheet flooding |
| X - 0.2% annual chance of flooding |
| X - 0.2% annual chance of flooding contained in channel |
Current Effective Special Flood Hazard Areas (38)
| 1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zones A, AE, AO |
| Regulatory Floodway |
| 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zone X |
Proposed Base Flood Elevations (41)
Proposed Cross Sections (42)
Proposed Special Flood Hazard Areas (43)
| A - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations not determined |
| AE - 1% annual chance of flooding; base flood elevations determined |
| AE, Floodway - AE zone with development regulations |
| X - 0.2% annual chance of flooding |
Current Effective Special Flood Hazard Areas (44)
| 1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zones A, AE |
| Regulatory Floodway |
| 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard; Zone X |
CTP Watersheds (45)
| Lower Cimarron-Skeleton |
| Lake o' the Cherokees |
| Lower North Canadian |
County Boundaries (46)