Description: This layer depicts groundwater basins that have a final maximum annual yield (MAY) determination by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (TITLE 785. OKLAHOMA WATER RESOURCES BOARD, CHAPTER 30. TAKING AND USE OF GROUNDWATER, SUBCHAPTER 9. MAXIMUM ANNUAL YIELD DETERMINATIONS).
Basin labels include the Equal Proportionate Share (EPS). The EPS is the maximum annual withdrawal of water allocated by an OWRB permit for each acre of land owned overlying that basin. EPS units are acre-feet/acre/year. For basins without a MAY determination, a maximum annual withdrawal of 2.0 acre-feet of water/acre may be authorized by temporary OWRB permits.
Name: Groundwater Basins Without Well Spacing Requirements
Display Field: name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Major groundwater basin (aquifer) is defined as a distinct underground body of water overlain by contiguous land and having substantially the same geological and hydrological characteristics and from which groundwater wells yield at least fifty (50) gallons per minute on the average throughout the basin if from a bedrock aquifer and at least one hundred fifty (150) gallons per minute on the average throughout the basin if from an alluvial aquifer, or as otherwise designated by the Board.
Description: Minor groundwater basin (aquifer) is defined as a distinct underground body of water overlain by contiguous land and having substantially the same geological and hydrological characteristics and which is not a major groundwater basin.
Description: Major groundwater basin (aquifer) is defined as a distinct underground body of water overlain by contiguous land and having substantially the same geological and hydrological characteristics and from which groundwater wells yield at least fifty (50) gallons per minute on the average throughout the basin if from a bedrock aquifer and at least one hundred fifty (150) gallons per minute on the average throughout the basin if from an alluvial aquifer, or as otherwise designated by the Board.
Description: Minor groundwater basin (aquifer) is defined as a distinct underground body of water overlain by contiguous land and having substantially the same geological and hydrological characteristics and which is not a major groundwater basin.
Description: Major groundwater basin (aquifer) is defined as a distinct underground body of water overlain by contiguous land and having substantially the same geological and hydrological characteristics and from which groundwater wells yield at least fifty (50) gallons per minute on the average throughout the basin if from a bedrock aquifer and at least one hundred fifty (150) gallons per minute on the average throughout the basin if from an alluvial aquifer, or as otherwise designated by the Board.